Thursday, February 24, 2011

Republican/Tea Party... One in the same... Harbingers of Death

OK, so the title is pretty drastic, but all in all this is how I feel... I'm actually writing my thesis on the Tea Party and I am coming to realize that there is no real difference between the Tea Party and Republicans. In fact, the Tea Party is just an extension of the old school Republicans from the Nixon to Reagan era's. If you look at the Southern Strategy which was introduced by Barry Goldwater in the 60's, we see the same economic argument, we see the "states' rights" argument (which has a historical racist overtone), we see the individualism argument. Nothing has changed, it's all the same. Not every single member of these groups is bad, however, they are following a doctrine and listening to demagogues which are dangerous.

So why are the Republicans and the Tea Party the harbingers of death? Well lets run down all the points... First and foremost let's look at the attack on the economy. Progressives (I will not say democrat's because they are in the pockets of corporations as much as the Republicans), wish for a system that takes care of ALL people, not a totalitarian system, a system which provides healthcare, decent pay, equity no matter race, class, gender, sexual orientation, etc... Republican's and Tea Party members want to help themselves and the richest few (who are primarily white strait males). Hence the massive tax cuts and the attack on unions. Tax cuts for the richest people, in hopes that there will be a trickle down effect (which has been proven not to work). Why is wanting the government, the people whom WE THE PEOPLE elect and can vote out of office if their not doing there job, why is wanting them to run basic services which are needed for life so bad? Instead, Republican's/Tea Party want people who are out for their own profit and can give a shit less about those whom they serve as long as they get paid, to run these programs...

Second point, war. The right have no problem with Iraq, Afghanistan, etc... They have no problem supporting brutal dictators in order to control a region instead of allowing democracy to flourish. They promote a fear of Muslim's, communists, socialists. Same ol' story. They covet war, and continue to send the countries poorest and most disadvantaged to die. Not to die for their country, which is what they tell them, but to die for corporations, big business, so those few rich white men can maintain their hegemony.

Third point, the environment. Every single political party in the world, besides the Repubs/Tea Party, believe that global warming is a man made problem that we will have to face and is drastically effecting the planet. Repubs/Tea Party folk deny it to no end. They want no environmental regulations on business, once again for profits. Living in Colorado, I am witnessing global warming first hand, every winter has been getting warmer and warmer, the slopes have less and less snow each year, pine beetles are able to eat up more and more trees each year because the mountains are not getting enough long deep freezes. Wake up, the environment is in peril.

Final point for today, culture. As previously mentioned, Repubs/Tea Party have been attacking anyone they see as the "other." There is an attack on women and rights over their own body, their is an attack on programs which help single mothers pay for the expenses of having children. There is an attack on the LGBTQ community, "they are destroying the sanctity married,""it's a choice,""they are unmoral," I say... Bullshit... Everyone deserves the right to marry who ever they choose. My whole life I have known many people in the LGBTQ community who have helped raise me, and look at me know. I've honorably served my country, I've gotten my BA, will soon be getting my MA, and will also be pursuing my PhD soon. I'm strait, so they didn't "turn me into one of them." I wouldn't be who I am today without the lessons I've learned from very close and important mentors who identify as LGBTQ... Those who are against LGBTQ rights are hypocrites. On another note, as previously mentioned, the attack on Muslim's is ridiculous as well, you realize you pray to the same god right? Jesus is one of the most quoted prophets in the Quran. Muhammad and Jesus believed in the same things and promoted the same message, peace & love. I'm agnostic, but I am well versed in religion, stop all the BS!

SO this has been a long rant, and may be scattered at times. But it is partially in response to what is happening in Wisconsin, but also in response to all the BS that has been building up over the past few years. The Tea Party and the Republicans are pushing a dangerous agenda. As billionaire Warren Buffet said, "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning, and we shouldn't be." There is class warfare ensuing right now, and it intersects with race, class, gender, and sexual-orientation, the people leading the charge in oppressing the people, that's right, the harbingers of death!


  1. The politics of fear is the central nerve of the Republicans/Tea Partyers. Their mantra is: "Make them afraid; make them very afraid." When the masses are afraid of everything then they will vote exactly as the Republicans/Tea Partyers want; they will see it as their only salvation. Thank you for calling them out on their fear mongering.

  2. I'm all riled up! You write eloquently about what you know much about. 73 pages into your thesis and you still find time to blog - you, sir, are an inspiration!

    I really appreciate your distinction between progressives and democrats. The government system as a whole is flawed. What's frustrating to me is this "grass is greener" mentality - that if something's not immediately working, it is a disaterous failure and we MUST move even farther to the other side next go 'round. I fear for the LGBTQ (thanks for including the "Q") population in the next 5 years - when things SHOULD be getting better.

    Even the best presidents aren't revered as such until after their terms. Change takes time.
